Book Trailer

Follow link to see my Book Trailer Gravity By: Jason Chin

I found myself enjoying this assignment more than I ever thought. Initially, I thought it was going to be time consuming and not to my interest. I found this book Gravity, that goes along with my groups lesson objective and was immediately hooked. This isn’t your typical read aloud the way Author and Illustrator Jason Chin made this book is what really intrigued me (as I assume it would young readers) and no I will not tell how it is written or the images, you just have to read it for yourself! Anyway, it was my first time using Powtoon and I think it was the most easy to use perfect resource for a project like this. The user (myself) has the ability to completely customize the video to how you want it to be. I thoroughly enjoyed putting my own twist on this book, and cannot help but laugh every time I watch it and listen to my want to be movie announcer voice HA ! I was not expecting to be as enthusiastic about this assignment. I hope you like it ! 


  1. Lauren,

    I truly enjoyed your book trailer! I think the book you chose was very direct in explaining what gravity is and what would happen without it. The trailer was entertaining and showed great pictures of the book.

    p.s., Loved the voice over!

  2. I am so glad that you enjoyed this book trailer project because I did too! Your powtoon is beautifully put together with a great selection from the book. I loved the cliffhanger ending. I really do want to go out and read this book! Fantastic job!


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