Scientific Method BrainPOP

3 Things I Discovered 

1.    How curiosity can benefit society through i4s: 
involvement -> imagination -> invention-> innovation. 

2.    The scientific method starts when you ask a question about something that you observe: How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where?

3.     Science depends on interactions within the scientific community. Different parts of the process of science may be carried out by different people at different times. 

2 Interesting Facts or Details 

1.    Growing up the Scientific Method was heavily incorporated in the science curriculum. It was interesting to read that scientist now describe it to be “too simple!” and fails to accurately portray how real science works. 

2.    The Scientific Method implies that science concludes, in reality, it is often on going, raises new questions, and answers others along the way. 

1 Question I Still Have

1. I wonder if technology will ever take over teachers and their jobs. After all, people are getting their degrees online in the comfort of their own homes, so why not? After doing some research I found this article to address just how beneficial teachers are for student’s overall development. Check it out! 

I have always been a fan of BrainPOP and the educational videos they provide for students. They cover topics in such a way that allows students to understanding difficult concepts, material, and definitions in a kid friendly manner. As for my results, I felt that video provided the necessary information in order to answer the questions correctly. I did also partake in the review just to see the type of questions that would be asked. I would recommend the review to students whom still express a misunderstanding of the material, as it eliminates the answers until you answer correctly and helps prepare you for the graded quiz.
