The Kingdoms
The 5 Kingdoms
1. Given your personal learning style, how do you remember information that relates to classification, such as the Kingdoms?
If I am being completely honest, science never caught my attention throughout school. I can remember struggling with definitions and retaining information. I had to find ways that worked for me in order to learn and gather new information. I came to find that I was a visual learning, I make deeper connections when I am able to be hands on rather than reading through a textbook. When remembering definitions especially I would make up acronyms which really helped me with definitions, theories, or specific terms/people.
2. What science process skills are used to learn the information necessary to classify living things into the Kingdoms?

2. Classifying-Create order to help comprehend the number of objects, events, and living things in the world.
3. Measuring- Important for collecting, comparing, and interpreting data.
4.Communicating- Share experiences through spoken words, graphs, diagrams etc.
5. Inferring- explanation based on an observation. This is a link between what is observed and already known.
6. Predicting- An educated guess based off observations and inferences.
3. Considering your personal learning style, would it be easier for you to learn about nonliving or living things first, before moving on to learning about the other?
Based on my personal learning style, learning about living things would be easier for me before learning about nonliving. For me, I think it is simply a matter of preference. However, for younger children it may be difficult for them to characterize things as living or nonliving, for example, children often describe anything that moves as alive.
4. Elaborate your ideas on how you will teach the Life scienceconcepts. Share examples of the lessons you liked the most from our e-TextBook or other resources.
I believe students should be hands on and actively engaged throughout Life science concepts. I feel through hands on activities and reflecting through student discussions students are able to make deeper connections to certain topics.
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