
Showing posts from September, 2019

Unit Plan VS Lesson Plan

Difference between a Unit Plan VS. Lesson Plan  What make the two differ from one another? While they make share similar information, the two are quiet different.  Below are a few differences between the two:  Unit Plan  overview and rationale Central focus; standards, goals, and objectives Subject Matter Outline - SMO KA3- Multiple lesson plans  Evaluation  KA6 - impact had on student development  Lesson Plan  Planned by the teacher Lesson objectives Alignment  Central focus Rationale Objective Materials/Resources Instructional Procedures Independent Practice [before closure if appropriate] HLP / Modifications

Wonder & WOW !

My Scientific Method Infographic  Reflection I found this project to be a fun and creative way to implement the Scientific Method. Although the rubric could have been a little more clear, or an example be provided, I feel myself and other classmates would not have struggled on exactly what was to be expected. Overall, I was very impressed with my classmates infographic and although I was not in class to attend the presentations, I could see the creativity and time each of us put into this project.  What did you learn about the Scientific Method?  I learned that different parts of the  Scientific  Method is something that people have relied on for centuries. Based on  curiosity  and using the 4 i ’ s listed above, one can process just about anything they wish to solve through the scientific method.  What do you think are the most important characteristics of a scientist?  what comes to my mind when I think of a scien...

Scientific Method BrainPOP

3 Things I Discovered  1.      How curiosity can benefit society through i4s:  involvement -> imagination -> invention-> innovation.  2.      The scientific method starts when you ask a question about something that you observe:  How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where? 3.       Science depends on interactions within the scientific community. Different parts of the process of science may be carried out by different people at different times.  2 Interesting Facts or Details  1.      Growing up the Scientific Method was heavily incorporated in the science curriculum. It was interesting to read that scientist now describe it to be “too simple!” and fails to accurately portray how real science works.  2.      The Scientific Method implies that science concludes, in reality, it is...